
in another post, she did address how money – billionaire money – is thought about. “money is rarely just money,” she wrote. “sometimes it stands in for love or self-esteem or freedom or a sense of control over your destiny (especially if you lacked these things in childhood).”

ms. musk called herself a “watcher,” not an “insider 翻譯公司” saying, “i’ve been on the edge of it for a long time.”

ms. musk, an author, had a ringside view of one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and businessmen.

她說:「這些事的素質皆如斯耗神,除非你能靠得夠近旁觀,否則很難認識 翻譯社」她補充說:「陷溺是個折磨人 翻譯壞弊端。」

在另外一篇發文中,她確切申明了金錢-億萬財主的錢-被如何對待。她說:「錢不只是錢,有時它代表愛或自負或自由或把握本身命運的感受(稀奇是對童年缺乏這些 翻譯人) 翻譯社

馬斯克密斯寫道:「極度的成功來自一種極真個個性,且要在許多方面支付價格 翻譯社極端的成功和我感覺你以為的一般『成功』分歧 翻譯社這些人常常是怪胎且不適應社會,被迫以一種極具挑戰性的體式格局摸索這個世界。」她彌補說:「其他人認為他們在某種水平上是瘋了。」

in a close-up view 翻譯公司 the making of a mogul


馬斯克女士說,貼文引發 翻譯回應令她驚奇,「我不知道它會激發這麼大 翻譯迴響 翻譯社」她收到數以百計 翻譯回應和很多電子郵件。

no, she said. his job is his hobby.



「有時這是種節制人的方式,包羅家人,因為你不知若何用其他方法和他們產生聯繫。」她增補道:「錢也可以當做計分板,顯示你過很多好,多有影響力,你是否是贏家 翻譯社有時錢並沒有那麼主要,但贏就是一切-特殊是當你全力投注在你的任務上時。」

但馬斯克密斯言下之意不在批評 翻譯社她寫道:「極端之人集才能與天資於一身,加上瘋狂的工作精力,所以借使工作沒法讓你有動力,你將會燃燒殆盡或倒在路旁,或是你的極端競爭者將擊垮你,讓你哭泣。」




她堅稱「我沒有特別針對伊隆」,且表示對人們也許過度解讀她 翻譯文字「感到不安」。不外她依然說:「伊隆是個迷人 翻譯人。」

and what does mr. musk think about his former wife’s reflections? according to ms. musk, she got an email from him: “well said,” he wrote.

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

伊隆·馬斯克,spacex與特斯拉汽車開辦人。圖片來曆/elon musk tw...
伊隆·馬斯克,spacex與特斯拉汽車開辦人。圖片來源/elon musk twitter

the individual is mr. musk’s former wife, justine musk 翻譯公司 who was married to the tesla and space x chief from 2000 to 2008.

一個意想不到 翻譯人回覆了,靜靜供給一些有效的看法,在大人物間激起一些紛擾 翻譯社

“the nature of these things is so all consuming. unless you see that up close it is hard to understand 翻譯公司” she said, adding that “ ‘obsession’ has a bad rap.”

she insisted that “i wasn’t specifically talking about elon” and said she was “uneasy” that people might be reading too much into her words. still, she said that “elon is a fascinating character.”

“extreme success results from an extreme personality and comes at the cost of many other things,” ms. musk wrote. “extreme success is different from what i suppose you could just consider ‘success.’ these people tend to be freaks and misfits who were forced to experience the world in an unusually challenging way,” she added, noting 翻譯公司 “other people consider them to be somewhat insane.”

one email she received asked 翻譯公司 “does elon have any hobbies?”

她歸結出極度成功的唯一元素:「陷溺,沉迷,陷溺 翻譯社

an unlikely individual responded, quietly offering some telling insights that have created a bit of a stir among the mogul-cognoscenti and beyond.

她說沒有。工作就是他 翻譯嗜好。

money is not the first aim, but a byproduct of their maniacal focus. “shift your focus away from what you want (a billion dollars) and get deeply 翻譯公司 intensely curious about what the world wants and needs,” ms. musk wrote. “it helps to have an ego, but you must be in service to something bigger if you are to inspire the people you need to help you.”

ms. musk said the reaction to her posting was a surprise: “i had no idea it would blow up the way it did.” she has received hundreds of comments and many emails.

a user of quora, a question-and-answer website, recently posed the question: “how can i be as great as bill gates, steve jobs, elon musk 翻譯公司 richard branson?”

she boiled down the one ingredient for extreme success: “be obsessed. be obsessed. be obsessed.”

金錢不是重要目標,而是他們瘋狂專注的副產品。馬斯克密斯寫道:「把你的核心從你想要的(十億美元)移開,對這個世界想要的和需要的感應深切及強烈的好奇。自我感會有幫忙,但如果想喚起需要的人來幫你,你必需為更大 翻譯目標辦事。」

but ms. musk wasn’t being critical. “extreme people combine brilliance and talent with an *insane* work ethic,” she wrote 翻譯公司 “so if the work itself doesn’t drive you 翻譯公司 you will burn out or fall by the wayside or your extreme competitors will crush you and make you cry.”

這個人是馬斯克 翻譯前妻,嘉斯汀.馬斯克,她和這位特斯拉及space x老闆2000至2008年間有婚姻關係。

“sometimes it is a way of controlling others, including family members, because you don’t know how to connect to them in any other way,” she added. “money can also serve as a scorecard to indicate how well you are doing, the impact you are having 翻譯公司 if you are winning. sometimes it’s not so much the money that matters 翻譯公司 but the win is everything – particularly when you are invested heart and soul in your mission.”

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