巴什基爾語翻譯 用做.bat檔案編纂器 (bat,是指批次處理檔案)
64-bit file handling (for files of 4+ GB) on both 32-/64-bit Windows platforms (Win XP and later)
File encryption / decryption
HTML toolbar pre-configured for popular HTML functions
用做c翻譯社 c++翻譯社 java翻譯社 jsp, html, xml等的原始碼編纂器
Disk based text editing and large file handling, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
    Ability to set a remote (server based) or local (Perl regex based) filter (provides filtering ability for SFTP)
UltraEdit v20 中文版(文字編纂對象) ,一款十分壯大的編輯可以或許,翻譯公司可以或許用它來十六進位、編纂文字、ASCII 碼,你完全可以用它來代替你系統自帶的記事本,內建英文單字搜檢、C++ 及 VB 指令突顯,可同時編纂多個檔案,而且即便開啟很大的檔案速度也不會慢翻譯
Project/workspace support

軟體附有 HTML 標籤彩色顯示、搜索取代和無限制的復原功能,一般用其來點竄EXE 或 DLL 檔案。
Spell checker and localization support for 80+ languages including American English, British English, Dutch, Finnish, French翻譯社 German翻譯社 Hungarian翻譯社 Italian, Spanish and Swedish)
    (Optional) local default directory for each FTP account
Unicode support
Function list with tree-style view of functions, parameters, variables, properties, etc.

CNET/ Download.com關於UltraEdit的說:「憑藉其清楚的佈局和壯大的項目和工作空間的功能,它可以處置懲罰複雜和先進的軟體開辟項目,但是,儘管其種類繁多的功能

Hexadecimal editor allows editing of any binary file, shows binary and ASCII view
文字編纂器 UltraEdit v20 中文版官方下載網址: