翻譯社影片→ https://goo.gl/zT4qeF     ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 夫夫之道 Fufuknows 2017.03.23 https://fb.me/fufuknows 這個世界之所以繽紛源於大天然可以或許包涵各類不同, 自由的白雲、湛藍的大海、繁盛的草木與美好的鳥鳴, 人與人之間也因為分歧而能產生很多亙古流傳的美談翻譯           在天成翻譯社們看不見的處所,在陰暗的角落,在輕易被忽略的方圓, 也許有人正處於水火倒懸裡。 他們也許擔心,下一秒又會被誰給危險。 他們或許懼怕,不知道該用什麼面目面對這個世界翻譯 於是他們啞忍、武裝、乃至漸漸落空自我,躲進暗不見底的深淵, 最後,連走向陽光的能力都損失了! 而來由,只因為他們與眾不同。           他們不需要同情,只需要一個理解的傾聽, 他們不需要救贖,只渴想一個平等的給與。 我們相信,最珍貴的愛,是尊重與包涵, 是縱使分歧,天成翻譯社也絕對願意捍衛翻譯公司生存的權力與自由。      因為不同,世界更值得我們立足欣賞           #夫夫之道 #婚姻平權 #迎接將這部影片分享出去 #請關注3月24日婚姻平權大法官釋憲      感謝阿斌、Elain與慈婷協助英文翻譯,讓此影片可以被更多的人看見,讓更多人願意尊敬與傾聽。                Mother Nature fashioned a beautiful world by allowing diversity in the ecosystems. Thank goodness for the diverse colors and sounds that combined to make the world an enduring beauty with white clouds翻譯社 azure oceans, green flora and sweet melody of bird chirping. Interactions between diverse people created tales that are cherished by many.      Perhaps some people are in distress in some darks corners that are often overlooked. They are worried because they do not know who might to hurt them next. They lived in fear because they do not know how to face the world. So they choose to remain hidden at the bottomless pit and gradually lose themselves. Just because they dare to be different. They want the right to be heard翻譯社 not charity. They desire equality, not salvation from themselves. Ultimately, we believed that love means tolerance, respect, and the willingness to fight for others’ right and freedom despite of difference. Diversity makes the world an even better and gorgeous place. #Fufukowns #MarriageEquality #Feel Free to Share This Video #Chef Justice Interprets Constitution regarding Marriage Equality on March 24th 2017 Please Follow with Interest We thank Francis and Elain and Ting for providing English translation so that this video can reach more people and help spread the words about inclusion and appreciation. 8,805 次旁觀 https://goo.gl/kQQrrw https://goo.gl/hmr94D -- ██████████████████ ██◤◥██ 自由愛情、多元成家 ██ █◤◥█████████████ ◥████████████ ◥███◤ ██◤ ██ █◣◥█◤█◤██

文章來自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/gay/M.1490264471.A.D32.html


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